
I am Sunny. 🌞

A programmer.

Hello! Welcome to This Website.

I am currently learning Full Stack development. Hoping to keep growing in this field. checkout the skills section to find out what things i am good at. I love drinking coffee ❤️ and reading books 📖.

My Skills.


As a computer science student i have been taught programming all along. But the best part of programming is making all those awesome projects. To see some projects that i have made visit my github profile. github


I take pictures of anything. It is one of my hobbies. But recently I've been taking photography seriously and been taking awesome pictures of nature. It's always so calming to see the nature pictures, sunset pictures, etc. That always makes me want to capture every good moment i see.


I love cooking and although i don't know varieties of dishes, I can still make few and tasty ones. Cooking is more like a hobby than a skill though.

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